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Current Biotechnology


ISSN (Print): 2211-5501
ISSN (Online): 2211-551X

The Econometrics of Production of Bulk Oil and Lipid Extracted Algae in an Agroindustrial Biorefinery

Author(s): Gabriela Rigo Roso, Alberto Meireles dos Santos, Maria Isabel Queiroz, Juliano Smanioto Barin, Leila Queiroz Zepka and Eduardo Jacob-Lopes

Volume 4, Issue 4, 2015

Page: [547 - 553] Pages: 7

DOI: 10.2174/2211550104666150911191836

Price: $65


Background: This article highlights the techno-economic analysis of a simulated large-scale process to produce bulk oil and lipid extracted algae (LEA) in an agroindustrial biorefinery.

Methods: The process is based on a heterotrophic microalgal bioreactor used to simultaneously convert organic matter, nitrogen and phosphorus of the slaughterhouse wastewater into microalgal biomass. The experimental data, obtained from a bench-scale facility, were used to estimate the costs of an industrial scale (16,000 m3/day).

Results: The microalgal biorefinery has capacity to produce 503,677.70 tons of biomass per year resulting in a bulk oil and lipid extracted algae production of 77,611.10 and 425,859.5 tons/year, respectively. The economic analysis foresees an estimated cost of USD 386.5 per ton of bulk oil and USD 70.4 per ton of LEA.

Conclusion: The proposed technological route was demonstrated to be potentially technical and economical in providing feedstocks to energy and feed industries.

Keywords: Animal feed, biodiesel, feasibility analysis, microalgae, techno-economic analysis.

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