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Current Bionanotechnology (Discontinued)


ISSN (Print): 2213-5294
ISSN (Online): 2213-5308

About Mechanism of Gas Transport Function and Side Reactions of Perfluorocarbon Nano-dispersions

Author(s): I.N. Kuznetsova

Volume 1, Issue 1, 2015

Page: [51 - 59] Pages: 9

DOI: 10.2174/2213529401666150326002307

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Perfluorocarbon (PFC) nano-dispersions or PFC emulsions perform the function of the gas transport on condition when the particle structure will be preserved. The invariable values of size and surface properties of the spherical PFC particles characterize the stability of their structure.

The stability of PFC emulsions and their behavior in vascular bed depend on a surface layer firmness of surfactant around the particles. The particle interaction with biologically active macromolecules of plasma is the cause of adverse reactions of various types.

The methodical approaches for assessing PFC particle structure integrity have been elaborated. The constancy of PFC particle structure is the essential prerequisite for prevention of side effects of PFC emulsions in vivo.

Keywords: Emulsion, nano-dispersions, particle size, perfluorocarbons, phospholipids, stability, structure.

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