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Current Drug Delivery


ISSN (Print): 1567-2018
ISSN (Online): 1875-5704

In Vitro Skin Permeation Enhancement of Sumatriptan by Microneedle Application

Author(s): Buchi N. Nalluri, Sai Sri V. Anusha, Sri R. Bramhini, J. Amulya, Ashraf S.K. Sultana, Chandra U. Teja and Diganta B. Das

Volume 12, Issue 6, 2015

Page: [761 - 769] Pages: 9

DOI: 10.2174/1567201812666150304123150

Price: $65


Different dimensions of commercially available microneedle devices, namely, Admin- Patch® microneedle arrays (MN) (0.6, 0.9, 1.2 and 1.5 mm lengths) and Dermaroller® microneedle rollers (DR) (0.5 and 1mm lengths) were evaluated for their relative efficiency in enhancement of transdermal permeation of Sumatriptan (SMT). Solubility assessment of SMT was carried out using propylene glycol (PG), polyethylene glycol (PEG) in combination with saline (S) at different ratios and the order of solubility was found to be 70:30 > 80:20 > 90:10 %v/v in both PG:S and PEG:S. In vitro skin permeation studies were performed using PG:S (70:30 %v/v) as donor vehicle. A significant increase in cumulative amount of SMT permeated, steady state flux, permeability coefficient and diffusion coefficient values were observed after microneedle treatment, and the values were in the order of 1.5mm MN >1.2mm MN >0.9mm MN >1mm DR >0.6mm MN >0.5mm DR > passive permeation. Lag times were significantly shorter after longer microneedle application (0.24h for 1.5mm MN). Arrays were found to be superior to rollers with similar microneedle lengths in enhancing SMT permeation and may be attributed to higher density of microneedles and force of application onto skin. The in vitro flux values revealed that 2.5cm2 area patch is sufficient for effective therapy after treatment of skin with 1.5mm MN. It may be inferred that microneedle application significantly enhances the transdermal penetration of SMT and that it may be feasible to deliver clinically relevant therapeutic levels of SMT using microneedle assisted transdermal delivery systems.

Keywords: Microneedle arrays, Microneedle rollers, Permeation, RP-HPLC, Sumatriptan, Transdermal delivery.

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