Chronic diseases are diseases of long duration and slow progression. Major NCDs (cardiovascular diseases, cancer, chronic respiratory diseases, diabetes, rheumatologic diseases and mental health) represent the predominant health problem of the Century. The prevention and control of NCDs are the priority of the World Health Organization 2008 Action Plan, the United Nations 2010 Resolution and the European Union 2010 Council. The novel trend for the management of NCDs is evolving towards integrative, holistic approaches. NCDs are intertwined with ageing. The European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP on AHA) has prioritised NCDs. To tackle them in their totality in order to reduce their burden and societal impact, it is proposed that NCDs should be considered as a single expression of disease with different risk factors and entities. An innovative integrated health system built around systems medicine and strategic partnerships is proposed to combat NCDs. It includes (i) understanding the social, economic, environmental, genetic determinants, as well as the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying NCDs; (ii) primary care and practice-based interprofessional collaboration; (iii) carefully phenotyped patients; (iv) development of unbiased and accurate biomarkers for comorbidities, severity and follow up of patients; (v) socio-economic science; (vi) development of guidelines; (vii) training; and (viii) policy decisions. The results could be applicable to all countries and adapted to local needs, economy and health systems. This paper reviews the complexity of NCDs intertwined with ageing. It gives an overview of the problem and proposes two practical examples of systems medicine (MeDALL) applied to allergy and to NCD co-morbidities (MACVIA-LR, Reference Site of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing).
Keywords: Chronic disease, co-morbidities, health system, systems medicine, patient, active and healthy ageing, MeDALL, MACVIA-LR.
Current Pharmaceutical Design
Title:Systems Medicine Approaches for the Definition of Complex Phenotypes in Chronic Diseases and Ageing. From Concept to Implementation and Policies
Volume: 20 Issue: 38
Author(s): Ariane Sultan, George Crooks, Alexander Chuchalin, Niels H. Chavannes, Anne Cambon-Thomsen, Cristina Barbara, Rudi Balling, Charles Auffray, Anne Wojtusciszyn, Antoni Dedeu, Francois Roubille, Michel Rodier, Jean-Marie Robine, Francoise Radier-Pontal, Marie-Christine Picot, Jacques Pelissier, Gregory Ninot, Jacques Morel, Leonardo M. Fabbri, Judith Garcia-Aymerich, Jawad Hajjam, Elisabete Melo Gomes, Susana Palkonen, Francois Piette, Christophe Pison, David Price, Boleslaw Samolinski, Holger J. Schunemann, Peter J. Sterk, Panayiotis Yiallouros, Josep Roca, Philippe Van de Perre, Jacques Mercier, Frederic Abecassis, William Camu, Jacques Bringer, Arnaud Bourdin, Hubert Blain, Anna Bedbrook, Melanie Badin, Antoine Avignon, Pierre Aubas, Guilhaume Cayla, Josep M. Anto, Nicolas Best, Rodolphe Bourret, Thierry Camuzat, Alfredo Cesario, Michel Dauzat, Christian Jorgensen, Jean Bousquet, David J. Costa, Philippe Courtet, Jean-Paul Cristol, Pascal Demoly, Jean-Emmanuel de la Coussaye, Pierre Fesler, Fares Gouzi, Jean-Christophe Gris, Bernard Guillot, Maurice Hayot, Claude Jeandel, Olivier Jonquet, Laurent Journot, Sylvain Lehmann and Gwenaelle Mathieu
Keywords: Chronic disease, co-morbidities, health system, systems medicine, patient, active and healthy ageing, MeDALL, MACVIA-LR.
Abstract: Chronic diseases are diseases of long duration and slow progression. Major NCDs (cardiovascular diseases, cancer, chronic respiratory diseases, diabetes, rheumatologic diseases and mental health) represent the predominant health problem of the Century. The prevention and control of NCDs are the priority of the World Health Organization 2008 Action Plan, the United Nations 2010 Resolution and the European Union 2010 Council. The novel trend for the management of NCDs is evolving towards integrative, holistic approaches. NCDs are intertwined with ageing. The European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP on AHA) has prioritised NCDs. To tackle them in their totality in order to reduce their burden and societal impact, it is proposed that NCDs should be considered as a single expression of disease with different risk factors and entities. An innovative integrated health system built around systems medicine and strategic partnerships is proposed to combat NCDs. It includes (i) understanding the social, economic, environmental, genetic determinants, as well as the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying NCDs; (ii) primary care and practice-based interprofessional collaboration; (iii) carefully phenotyped patients; (iv) development of unbiased and accurate biomarkers for comorbidities, severity and follow up of patients; (v) socio-economic science; (vi) development of guidelines; (vii) training; and (viii) policy decisions. The results could be applicable to all countries and adapted to local needs, economy and health systems. This paper reviews the complexity of NCDs intertwined with ageing. It gives an overview of the problem and proposes two practical examples of systems medicine (MeDALL) applied to allergy and to NCD co-morbidities (MACVIA-LR, Reference Site of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing).
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Sultan Ariane, Crooks George, Chuchalin Alexander, Chavannes H. Niels, Cambon-Thomsen Anne, Barbara Cristina, Balling Rudi, Auffray Charles, Wojtusciszyn Anne, Dedeu Antoni, Roubille Francois, Rodier Michel, Robine Jean-Marie, Radier-Pontal Francoise, Picot Marie-Christine, Pelissier Jacques, Ninot Gregory, Morel Jacques, Fabbri M. Leonardo, Garcia-Aymerich Judith, Hajjam Jawad, Gomes Melo Elisabete, Palkonen Susana, Piette Francois, Pison Christophe, Price David, Samolinski Boleslaw, Schunemann J. Holger, Sterk J. Peter, Yiallouros Panayiotis, Roca Josep, Perre Van de Philippe, Mercier Jacques, Abecassis Frederic, Camu William, Bringer Jacques, Bourdin Arnaud, Blain Hubert, Bedbrook Anna, Badin Melanie, Avignon Antoine, Aubas Pierre, Cayla Guilhaume, Anto M. Josep, Best Nicolas, Bourret Rodolphe, Camuzat Thierry, Cesario Alfredo, Dauzat Michel, Jorgensen Christian, Bousquet Jean, Costa J. David, Courtet Philippe, Cristol Jean-Paul, Demoly Pascal, Coussaye de la Jean-Emmanuel, Fesler Pierre, Gouzi Fares, Gris Jean-Christophe, Guillot Bernard, Hayot Maurice, Jeandel Claude, Jonquet Olivier, Journot Laurent, Lehmann Sylvain and Mathieu Gwenaelle, Systems Medicine Approaches for the Definition of Complex Phenotypes in Chronic Diseases and Ageing. From Concept to Implementation and Policies, Current Pharmaceutical Design 2014; 20 (38) . https://dx.doi.org/10.2174/1381612820666140314115505
DOI https://dx.doi.org/10.2174/1381612820666140314115505 |
Print ISSN 1381-6128 |
Publisher Name Bentham Science Publisher |
Online ISSN 1873-4286 |
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