Currently available facilities in Cold Spray are limited in use because of some unwanted features. The first feature is powder feeding into working gas, possibly uniform heating and acceleration up to necessary temperature and velocity. The second is connected with a dilemma service term/cost of working nozzle production. Another problem is collection of un-deposited powder. It allows cost-effective production of articles by re-using the powder and prevents the environment pollution. For success marketing there is a need for new applications including those where Cold Spray that from can be embedded (build in) easily and cost-effective. In the present paper, the most important patents published since the last 3 years and claiming the solutions of typical problems in convenient Cold Spray devices allowing increasing effectiveness and reducing the costs of both the devices units and products, prolong service term and searching new application areas are reviewed. Modernization has reached by material replacing, geometry, and embedding additional units into main design. Concerning new applications the patents cover the area connected with the production of corrosive, electrical/magnetic and other barrier coating articles.
Keywords: Cold Spray, coating, particles, prechamber, Laval nozzle, heater, powder feeder, expansion ratio