Counterfeiting is deeply rooted as it is being practiced since ancient times. It has been in this world for a long time, and is rapidly growing with the newly available growth in science and technology. The review provides an evidence of the growth and rising concerns of counterfeiting. Counterfeiting has been fuelled by corruption, inability to control, and also a rise in consumers who resort to such goods in the developing countries. The control of such piracy practice is indispensable and thus governments and internationally recognized institutions have taken measures to limit its spread and abolish it. The manufacturers are at a greatest loss from it and thus have started anti-counterfeiting practice. Such practice is highly recommended in healthcare practices where much harm is done to the customers. Analytical techniques and instruments have found a greater importance in the detection, identification, and differentiation of the counterfeit products. Manufacturers utilize anti-counterfeiting techniques to keep track of their product, quarantine, and identify their product from the duplicated, pirated or counterfeit products. The various anti-counterfeiting techniques are given in the review.
Keywords: Analytical techniques, Anti-counterfeiting, Counterfeiting, Counterfeit medicine, Glibenclamide, Metakelfin, Viagra, Xenical, Zyprexa, Lipitor, Meningitis, Thin Layer Chromatography, Colorimetric Detection