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Current Nanomaterials


ISSN (Print): 2405-4615
ISSN (Online): 2405-4623

Research Article

Unlocking the Microbial Potential of Intercalated Calcium-aluminum Layered Double Hydroxide-palmitic Acid

Author(s): Nur Adlina Johari, Sheikh Ahmad Izaddin Sheikh Mohd Ghazali*, Nurul Huda Ismail, Suhaidi Ariffin, Sandeep Poddar and Hari Shankar Biswas

Volume 9, Issue 4, 2024

Published on: 10 October, 2023

Page: [314 - 323] Pages: 10

DOI: 10.2174/0124054615252951230922102007

Price: $65


Introduction: An efficient and coherent drug delivery system is imperative in detouring a repetitive administration of high doses of the drug to achieve an effective therapeutic effect. This study, therefore, aims to synthesize the nanocomposite (CAPA) utilizing the layered double hydroxide as a drug carrier that can safeguard the medicine and improve its bioavailability while minimizing the adverse impact on the biological process.

Method: The Calcium-aluminum Layered Double Hydroxide (CAL) was synthesized via the coprecipitation method followed by integrating palmitic acid (PA) drug into that host employing a similar approach. The successful intercalation was assessed utilizing X-ray diffraction (PXRD) analysis and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The characterization of the material was evaluated by using a thermogravimetric-derivative thermogravimetric analysis (TGA-DTG) and accelerated surface area and porosity (ASAP) analyzer.

Result: The increment of basal spacing of CAPA (15.21Å) synthesized in this study implies the retainment of PA in the interlayer space of CAL. The FTIR spectra of CAPA, with the elimination of the nitrate ion peak at 1359.87 cm-1 and the appearance of carboxylate ion at 1643.17 cm-1, hint at the existence of PA in the host layer. The surface area of CAPA exhibited a value of 19.8 m2g-1, bigger than that of hosts, while its pore size is within the micropores range.

Conclusion: The TGA analysis revealed that the thermal stability of PA was improved following the intercalation process due to the decomposition of the PA core that occurs at 260°C. The antimicrobial activity proposes that the synthesized CAPA can retain the drug's activity against S. aureus, emphasizing the ability of CAL as a potential drug delivery vehicle for PA.

Keywords: Microbial activity, intercalation, palmitic acid, calcium-aluminium, nanocomposite.

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