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Current Materials Science


ISSN (Print): 2666-1454
ISSN (Online): 2666-1462

Review Article

Review on Hydrogel Based Systems and their use in Drug Delivery for Wound Healing & Wound Management

Author(s): Meet A. Jayswal*, Priyanka Ahlawat and Ashaben Patel

Volume 17, Issue 4, 2024

Published on: 24 July, 2023

Page: [336 - 357] Pages: 22

DOI: 10.2174/2666145417666230710165247

Price: $65


The largest organ of the human body, the skin, shields the body from the outside environment. Despite having a great capacity for regeneration, major skin abnormalities cannot heal on their own and must be covered with artificial skin. In recent years, significant advancements have been achieved in the area of skin tissue engineering to create novel skin replacements. Because of their porous as well as moisturized polymeric structural composition, hydrogels are one of the choices with the greatest ability to imitate the natural skin microenvironment. Naturally derived polymers, synthesized polymers, polymerizable synthetic monomolecules, as well as mixtures of natural and synthesized polymers, can all be used to create hydrogels. They can be used to assist in the regeneration as well as repair of the wounded dermis, epidermis or else both by dressing various wounds permanently or temporarily. Hydrogels possess distinct properties like lightweight, stretchable, biocompatible, and biodegradable; they have the potential to be incorporated as flexible solutions for the care of chronic wounds. Additionally, these characteristics make hydrogels appropriate for use in the pharmaceutical and medical industries. Physical, chemical, and hybrid bonding are all involved in the creation of hydrogels. Several processes, including solution casting, solution mixing, bulk crosslinking polymerization, the free radical mechanism, radiation therapy, and the development of interpenetrating networks, are used to create the bonding. This review primarily focuses on the type of wounds with phases in wound healing and the many kinds of hydrogels based on cross-linking, ionic charge, physical properties, source etc., and it also describes potential fabrication techniques for hydrogel design in biomedical applications, drug delivery as well as wound management hydrogel systems. Hydrogel-based systems for wound recovery and management are described, as well as current research & future prospective of hydrogel-based drug delivery systems in wound healing for topical applications.

Keywords: Hydrogel, topical formulation, wound healing, polymers, method of preparation of hydrogel, chemical.

Erratum In:
Review on Hydrogel Based Systems and their use in Drug Delivery for Wound Healing & Wound Management

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