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ISSN (Print): 1381-6128
ISSN (Online): 1873-4286

Review Article

A Review of Current and Prospective Treatments for Channelopathies, with a Focus on Gene and Protein Therapy

Author(s): Monica Sakla, Ulrike Breitinger, Hans-Georg Breitinger, Samar Mansour and Salma Nabil Tammam*

Volume 29, Issue 17, 2023

Published on: 13 June, 2023

Page: [1341 - 1360] Pages: 20

DOI: 10.2174/1381612829666230601122846

Price: $65


Reduced cell surface expression or the malfunctioning of ion channels gives rise to a group of disorders known as channelopathies. To treat the underlying cause, the delivery and/or expression of a functional ion channel into the cell membrane of the cell of interest is required. Unfortunately, for most channelopathies, current treatment options are only symptomatic and treatments that rectify the underlying damage are still lacking. Within this context, approaches that rely on gene and protein therapy are required. Gene therapy would allow the expression of a functional protein, provided that the cellular machinery in the diseased cell could correctly fold and traffic the protein to the cell membrane. Whereas protein therapy would allow the direct delivery of a functional protein, provided that the purification process does not affect protein function and a suitable delivery vehicle for targeted delivery is used. In this review, we provide an overview of channelopathies and available symptomatic treatments. The current state of gene therapy approaches mainly using viral vectors is discussed, which is followed by the role of nanomedicine in protein therapy and how nanomedicine could be exploited for the delivery of functional ion channels to diseased cells.

Keywords: Channelopathies, nanomedicine, gene therapy, protein therapy, cellular machinery, symptomatic treatments.

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