Background: COVID-19 is an emerging, highly contagious disease caused by the SARSCoV- 2 virus. Pregnant women appear to be at greater risk for COVID-19 infection and complications. Considering the importance of maternal and fetal healthcare, this study aims to evaluate some of the maternal, fetal, and neonatal outcomes in pregnant women with COVID-19.
Methods: Pregnant women at the gestational age of 20 weeks or more were recruited and divided into two groups: cases (those with COVID-19 infection) and controls (those without the infection). Maternal complications during the current pregnancy, delivery factors, and fetal/neonatal complications were recorded and compared between the groups.
Results: Maternal COVID-19 infection was highly associated with the need for emergency cesarean surgery (p = 0.005), preterm labor (p = 0.017), and the need for NICU admission for newborns (OR = 0.05, p = 0.000). Also, high rates of vertical transmission of the infection were observed in the cases.
Conclusion: Maternal COVID-19 disease could be associated with a range of complications for both the mother and her newborn. The vertical transmission rate was also observed to be higher than previously reported in the literature. Further studies are required to evaluate this phenomenon.
Keywords: Obstetrics, pregnancy, COVID-19, maternal COVID-19 disease, gestational age, cesarean surgery.
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