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Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry


ISSN (Print): 1568-0266
ISSN (Online): 1873-4294

Review Article

Food Color Additives in Hazardous Consequences of Human Health: An Overview

Author(s): Sharifa Sultana, Md. Mominur Rahman, Farjana Islam Aovi, Farhana Israt Jahan, Md. Sakhawat Hossain, Shadia Afrin Brishti, Md. Yamin, Muniruddin Ahmed, Abdur Rauf and Rohit Sharma*

Volume 23, Issue 14, 2023

Published on: 07 February, 2023

Page: [1380 - 1393] Pages: 14

DOI: 10.2174/1568026623666230117122433

Price: $65


Food color additives are used to make food more appetizing. The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) permitted nine artificial colorings in foods, drugs, and cosmetics, whereas the European Union (EU) approved five artificial colors (E-104, 122, 124, 131, and 142) for food. However, these synthetic coloring materials raise various health hazards. The present review aimed to summarize the toxic effects of these coloring food additives on the brain, liver, kidney, lungs, urinary bladder, and thyroid gland. In this respect, we aimed to highlight the scientific evidence and the crucial need to assess potential health hazards of all colors used in food on human and nonhuman biota for better scrutiny. Blue 1 causes kidney tumor in mice, and there is evidence of death due to ingestion through a feeding tube. Blue 2 and Citrus Red 2 cause brain and urinary bladder tumors, respectively, whereas other coloring additives may cause different types of cancers and numerous adverse health effects. In light of this, this review focuses on the different possible adverse health effects caused by these food coloring additives, and possible ways to mitigate or avoid the damage they may cause. We hope that the data collected from in vitro or in vivo studies and from clinical investigations related to the possible health hazards of food color additives will be helpful to both researchers and the food industry in the future.

Keywords: Food color additives, Artificial colors, Health hazards, Carcinogen, Cancer, Hypersensitivity, Chromosomal damage.

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