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Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry


ISSN (Print): 1568-0266
ISSN (Online): 1873-4294

Current Frontiers

Plant-food-derived Bioactives in Managing Hypertension: From Current Findings to Upcoming Effective Pharmacotherapies

Author(s): Monica Butnariu, Deborah Fratantonio*, Jesús Herrera-Bravo, Sonal Sukreet, Miquel Martorell, Garsiya Ekaterina Robertovna, Francisco Les*, Víctor López, Manoj Kumar, Marius Pentea, Ioan Sarac, Alexandra Becherescu, Natália Cruz-Martins, William N. Setzer, Marcello Iriti*, Hafiz Ansar Rasul Suleria and Javad Sharifi-Rad*

Volume 23, Issue 8, 2023

Published on: 02 February, 2023

Page: [589 - 617] Pages: 29

DOI: 10.2174/1568026623666230106144509

Price: $65


A sedentary lifestyle has evoked a high risk of cardiovascular (CV) disease, diabetes, and obesity, all of them with high morbimortality rates and with a common denominator, hypertension. Numerous pharmacological drugs have been used for the treatment of hypertension. However, the side effects associated with the use of existing pharmacological therapies have triggered a demand for plant-based medications. In this connection, the aim of this review was to provide an in-depth analysis of the use of plant-derived bioactives for the effective management of hypertension. Phytoconstituents from leaves, bark, stem, roots, seeds, and fruits of medicinal plants grown in our different regions of the globe have been highly searched. Among them, polyphenols (e.g., flavonoids as quercetin, anthocyanins as cyanidin, tannins as ellagic acid, stilbenes as resveratrol, lignans as honokiol and others as hydroxytyrosol or curcumin), organosulfur compounds (e.g. s-allyl cysteine and allicin), fatty acids (e.g. α-lipoic acid, DHA and oleic acid), alkaloids (e.g. berberine or tetrandrine) and some terpenes have been intensively investigated for the management of hypertension, with effective ability being stated in controlling high blood pressure and related health problems both in vivo and in vitro studies. Some of the activities presented by these bioactive compounds are reducing oxidative stress, renin-angiotensin system control, SIRT1 activation, regulating platelet aggregation and COX activity, anti-atherogenic effects, anti-inflammatory properties, vasorelaxation and other results that translate into the prevention or control of hypertension. The knowledge of these bioactive compounds is important in developing countries where traditional medicine is the majority, but it can also give rise to new approaches in hypertension therapy.

Keywords: Hypertension, Phytoconstituents, Phenolic compounds, Organosulfur compounds, Fatty acids, Traditional medicine, Pharmacological therapies, Nutraceuticals, Functional foods.

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Fatima, B.; Fay, K.A.; Fazaeli, A.A.; Feigin, V.L.; Feigl, A.B.; Fereshtehnejad, S.M.; Fernandes, E.; Fernandes, J.C.; Ferrara, G.; Ferrari, A.J.; Ferreira, M.L.; Filip, I.; Finger, J.D.; Fischer, F.; Foigt, N.A.; Foreman, K.J.; Fukumoto, T.; Fullman, N.; Fürst, T.; Furtado, J.M.; Futran, N.D.; Gall, S.; Gallus, S.; Gamkrelidze, A.; Ganji, M.; Garcia-Basteiro, A.L.; Gardner, W.M.; Gebre, A.K.; Gebremedhin, A.T.; Gebremichael, T.G.; Gelano, T.F.; Geleijnse, J.M.; Geramo, Y.C.D.; Gething, P.W.; Gezae, K.E.; Ghadimi, R.; Ghadiri, K.; Ghasemi Falavarjani, K.; Ghasemi-Kasman, M.; Ghimire, M.; Ghosh, R.; Ghoshal, A.G.; Giampaoli, S.; Gill, P.S.; Gill, T.K.; Gillum, R.F.; Ginawi, I.A.; Giussani, G.; Gnedovskaya, E.V.; Godwin, W.W.; Goli, S.; Gómez-Dantés, H.; Gona, P.N.; Gopalani, S.V.; Goulart, A.C.; Grada, A.; Grams, M.E.; Grosso, G.; Gugnani, H.C.; Guo, Y.; Gupta, R.; Gupta, R.; Gupta, T.; Gutiérrez, R.A.; Gutiérrez-Torres, D.S.; Haagsma, J.A.; Habtewold, T.D.; Hachinski, V.; Hafezi-Nejad, N.; Hagos, T.B.; Hailegiyorgis, T.T.; Hailu, G.B.; Haj-Mirzaian, A.; Haj-Mirzaian, A.; Hamadeh, R.R.; Hamidi, S.; Handal, A.J.; Hankey, G.J.; Hao, Y.; Harb, H.L.; Harikrishnan, S.; Haro, J.M.; Hassankhani, H.; Hassen, H.Y.; Havmoeller, R.; Hawley, C.N.; Hay, S.I.; Hedayatizadeh-Omran, A.; Heibati, B.; Heidari, B.; Heidari, M.; Hendrie, D.; Henok, A.; Heredia-Pi, I.; Herteliu, C.; Heydarpour, F.; Heydarpour, S.; Hibstu, D.T.; Higazi, T.B.; Hilawe, E.H.; Hoek, H.W.; Hoffman, H.J.; Hole, M.K.; Homaie Rad, E.; Hoogar, P.; Hosgood, H.D.; Hosseini, S.M.; Hosseinzadeh, M.; Hostiuc, M.; Hostiuc, S.; Hoy, D.G.; Hsairi, M.; Hsiao, T.; Hu, G.; Hu, H.; Huang, J.J.; Hussen, M.A.; Huynh, C.K.; Iburg, K.M.; Ikeda, N.; Ilesanmi, O.S.; Iqbal, U.; Irvani, S.S.N.; Irvine, C.M.S.; Islam, S.M.S.; Islami, F.; Jackson, M.D.; Jacobsen, K.H.; Jahangiry, L.; Jahanmehr, N.; Jain, S.K.; Jakovljevic, M.; James, S.L.; Jassal, S.K.; Jayatilleke, A.U.; Jeemon, P.; Jha, R.P.; Jha, V.; Ji, J.S.; Jonas, J.B.; Jonnagaddala, J.; Jorjoran Shushtari, Z.; Joshi, A.; Jozwiak, J.J.; Jürisson, M.; Kabir, Z.; Kahsay, A.; Kalani, R.; Kanchan, T.; Kant, S.; Kar, C.; Karami, M.; Karami Matin, B.; Karch, A.; Karema, C.; Karimi, N.; Karimi, S.M.; Kasaeian, A.; Kassa, D.H.; Kassa, G.M.; Kassa, T.D.; Kassebaum, N.J.; Katikireddi, S.V.; Kaul, A.; Kawakami, N.; Kazemi, Z.; Karyani, A.K.; Kefale, A.T.; Keiyoro, P.N.; Kemp, G.R.; Kengne, A.P.; Keren, A.; Kesavachandran, C.N.; Khader, Y.S.; Khafaei, B.; Khafaie, M.A.; Khajavi, A.; Khalid, N.; Khalil, I.A.; Khan, G.; Khan, M.S.; Khan, M.A.; Khang, Y.H.; Khater, M.M.; Khazaei, M.; Khazaie, H.; Khoja, A.T.; Khosravi, A.; Khosravi, M.H.; Kiadaliri, A.A.; Kiirithio, D.N.; Kim, C.I.; Kim, D.; Kim, Y.E.; Kim, Y.J.; Kimokoti, R.W.; Kinfu, Y.; Kisa, A.; Kissimova-Skarbek, K.; Kivimäki, M.; Knibbs, L.D.; Knudsen, A.K.S.; Kochhar, S.; Kokubo, Y.; Kolola, T.; Kopec, J.A.; Kosen, S.; Koul, P.A.; Koyanagi, A.; Kravchenko, M.A.; Krishan, K.; Krohn, K.J.; Kromhout, H.; Kuate Defo, B.; Kucuk Bicer, B.; Kumar, G.A.; Kumar, M.; Kuzin, I.; Kyu, H.H.; Lachat, C.; Lad, D.P.; Lad, S.D.; Lafranconi, A.; Lalloo, R.; Lallukka, T.; Lami, F.H.; Lang, J.J.; Lansingh, V.C.; Larson, S.L.; Latifi, A.; Lazarus, J.V.; Lee, P.H.; Leigh, J.; Leili, M.; Leshargie, C.T.; Leung, J.; Levi, M.; Lewycka, S.; Li, S.; Li, Y.; Liang, J.; Liang, X.; Liao, Y.; Liben, M.L.; Lim, L.L.; Linn, S.; Liu, S.; Lodha, R.; Logroscino, G.; Lopez, A.D.; Lorkowski, S.; Lotufo, P.A.; Lozano, R.; Lucas, T.C.D.; Lunevicius, R.; Ma, S.; Macarayan, E.R.K.; Machado, Í.E.; Madotto, F.; Mai, H.T.; Majdan, M.; Majdzadeh, R.; Majeed, A.; Malekzadeh, R.; Malta, D.C.; Mamun, A.A.; Manda, A.L.; Manguerra, H.; Mansournia, M.A.; Mantovani, L.G.; Maravilla, J.C.; Marcenes, W.; Marks, A.; Martin, R.V.; Martins, S.C.O.; Martins-Melo, F.R.; März, W.; Marzan, M.B.; Massenburg, B.B.; Mathur, M.R.; Mathur, P.; Matsushita, K.; Maulik, P.K.; Mazidi, M.; McAlinden, C.; McGrath, J.J.; McKee, M.; Mehrotra, R.; Mehta, K.M.; Mehta, V.; Meier, T.; Mekonnen, F.A.; Melaku, Y.A.; Melese, A.; Melku, M.; Memiah, P.T.N.; Memish, Z.A.; Mendoza, W.; Mengistu, D.T.; Mensah, G.A.; Mensink, G.B.M.; Mereta, S.T.; Meretoja, A.; Meretoja, T.J.; Mestrovic, T.; Mezgebe, H.B.; Miazgowski, B.; Miazgowski, T.; Millear, A.I.; Miller, T.R.; Miller-Petrie, M.K.; Mini, G.K.; Mirarefin, M.; Mirica, A.; Mirrakhimov, E.M.; Misganaw, A.T.; Mitiku, H.; Moazen, B.; Mohajer, B.; Mohammad, K.A.; Mohammadi, M.; Mohammadifard, N.; Mohammadnia-Afrouzi, M.; Mohammed, S.; Mohebi, F.; Mokdad, A.H.; Molokhia, M.; Momeniha, F.; Monasta, L.; Moodley, Y.; Moradi, G.; Moradi-Lakeh, M.; Moradinazar, M.; Moraga, P.; Morawska, L.; Morgado-Da-Costa, J.; Morrison, S.D.; Moschos, M.M.; Mouodi, S.; Mousavi, S.M.; Mozaffarian, D.; Mruts, K.B.; Muche, A.A.; Muchie, K.F.; Mueller, U.O.; Muhammed, O.S.; Mukhopadhyay, S.; Muller, K.; Musa, K.I.; Mustafa, G.; Nabhan, A.F.; Naghavi, M.; Naheed, A.; Nahvijou, A.; Naik, G.; Naik, N.; Najafi, F.; Nangia, V.; Nansseu, J.R.; Nascimento, B.R.; Neal, B.; Neamati, N.; Negoi, I.; Negoi, R.I.; Neupane, S.; Newton, C.R.J.; Ngunjiri, J.W.; Nguyen, A.Q.; Nguyen, G.; Nguyen, H.T.; Nguyen, H.L.T.; Nguyen, H.T.; Nguyen, M.; Nguyen, N.B.; Nichols, E.; Nie, J.; Ningrum, D.N.A.; Nirayo, Y.L.; Nishi, N.; Nixon, M.R.; Nojomi, M.; Nomura, S.; Norheim, O.F.; Noroozi, M.; Norrving, B.; Noubiap, J.J.; Nouri, H.R.; Nourollahpour Shiadeh, M.; Nowroozi, M.R.; Nsoesie, E.O.; Nyasulu, P.S.; Obermeyer, C.M.; Odell, C.M.; Ofori-Asenso, R.; Ogbo, F.A.; Oh, I.H.; Oladimeji, O.; Olagunju, A.T.; Olagunju, T.O.; Olivares, P.R.; Olsen, H.E.; Olusanya, B.O.; Olusanya, J.O.; Ong, K.L.; Ong, S.K.; Oren, E.; Orpana, H.M.; Ortiz, A.; Ota, E.; Otstavnov, S.S.; Øverland, S.; Owolabi, M.O.; P A, M.; Pacella, R.; Pakhare, A.P.; Pakpour, A.H.; Pana, A.; Panda-Jonas, S.; Park, E.K.; Parry, C.D.H.; Parsian, H.; Patel, S.; Pati, S.; Patil, S.T.; Patle, A.; Patton, G.C.; Paudel, D.; Paulson, K.R.; Paz Ballesteros, W.C.; Pearce, N.; Pereira, A.; Pereira, D.M.; Perico, N.; Pesudovs, K.; Petzold, M.; Pham, H.Q.; Phillips, M.R.; Pillay, J.D.; Piradov, M.A.; Pirsaheb, M.; Pischon, T.; Pishgar, F.; Plana-Ripoll, O.; Plass, D.; Polinder, S.; Polkinghorne, K.R.; Postma, M.J.; Poulton, R.; Pourshams, A.; Poustchi, H.; Prabhakaran, D.; Prakash, S.; Prasad, N.; Purcell, C.A.; Purwar, M.B.; Qorbani, M.; Radfar, A.; Rafay, A.; Rafiei, A.; Rahim, F.; Rahimi, Z.; Rahimi-Movaghar, A.; Rahimi-Movaghar, V.; Rahman, M.; Rahman, M.H.; Rahman, M.A.; Rai, R.K.; Rajati, F.; Rajsic, S.; Raju, S.B.; Ram, U.; Ranabhat, C.L.; Ranjan, P.; Rath, G.K.; Rawaf, D.L.; Rawaf, S.; Reddy, K.S.; Rehm, C.D.; Rehm, J.; Reiner, R.C.; Jr; Reitsma, M.B.; Remuzzi, G.; Renzaho, A.M.N.; Resnikoff, S.; Reynales-Shigematsu, L.M.; Rezaei, S.; Ribeiro, A.L.P.; Rivera, J.A.; Roba, K.T.; Rodríguez-Ramírez, S.; Roever, L.; Román, Y.; Ronfani, L.; Roshandel, G.; Rostami, A.; Roth, G.A.; Rothenbacher, D.; Roy, A.; Rubagotti, E.; Rushton, L.; Sabanayagam, C.; Sachdev, P.S.; Saddik, B.; Sadeghi, E.; Saeedi Moghaddam, S.; Safari, H.; 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