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New Emirates Medical Journal

ISSN (Online): 0250-6882

Review Article

Perinatal Outcome in Pregnant Women with Heart Disease

Author(s): Noopur R. Kedia*, Mohit Kejariwal and Malay Jhancy

Volume 4, Issue 1, 2023

Published on: 09 March, 2023

Article ID: e231222212136 Pages: 6

DOI: 10.2174/04666221223090640


TIMBC 2025

With improved technology and better access to health care, the number of pregnant women with heart diseases is increasing. Due to various physiological changes in pregnancy, women with heart diseases are at increased risk of both maternal and fetal complications. Thus, pregnancy with heart disease is considered a high-risk pregnancy. In the near future, the burden on the healthcare system will increase and we will be required to answer various questions about the different outcomes possible and their management. If women are made aware of the various risks associated with their pregnancies, they can make informed life choices. This can only be achieved if more objective data is offered to her [1]. In this article, we review the available data on the observed perinatal outcomes in mothers with heart disease, their management, and what lacunas need to be filled, so as to be able to provide better care. Relevant articles were referred and data was summed. We concluded that in the majority of studies, the odds for adverse neonatal outcomes like preterm birth, low birth weight, stillbirth, low Apgar score and admissions to neonatal intensive care unit were higher among pregnant women with heart disease as compared to women with no heart disease.

Keywords: Pregnancy, Heart disease, Perinatal outcome, Fetal complications, Preterm birth, Congenital heart disease.

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