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Current Medicinal Chemistry


ISSN (Print): 0929-8673
ISSN (Online): 1875-533X

Review Article

Research Progress in Competitive Purine Antagonists

Author(s): Dan-Xia Ying, Peng-Cheng Zhao, Wen Zhang and Guo-Wu Rao*

Volume 30, Issue 34, 2023

Published on: 29 December, 2022

Page: [3880 - 3904] Pages: 25

DOI: 10.2174/0929867329666221006112458

Price: $65


Purine, one of the nucleotides, is an important substance for the metabolism and regulation of the body. Purine plays a key role not only in the composition of coenzymes but also in the supply of energy. Since purine was artificially synthesized, it has always been an important scaffold for respiratory diseases, cardiovascular diseases, and anti- tumor and anti-viral drugs. In addition to being widely used as competitive antagonists in the treatment of diseases, purines can be used in combination with other drugs and as precursors to benefit human life. Unfortunately, few new discoveries have been made in recent years. In this article, purine drugs in the market have been classified according to their different targets. In addition, their mechanism of action and structure-activity relationship have also been introduced. This paper provides details of the signaling pathways through which purine drugs can bind to the respective receptors on the surface of cells and cause consequent reactions within the cell, which finally affect the targeted diseases. The various receptors and biological reactions involved in the signaling for respective disease targets within the cells are discussed in detail.

Keywords: Purine derivatives, GPCR, anti-tumor, DNA polymerase, PI3K, cGMP-PDE, anti-viral.

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