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Current Cancer Drug Targets


ISSN (Print): 1568-0096
ISSN (Online): 1873-5576

Case Report

Durable Disease-free Survival in a Patient with Metastatic Triple-negative Breast Cancer Treated with Olaparib Monotherapy

Author(s): Xue Wang, Nanlin Hu, Lina Cui, Yiran Si, Jian Yue, Fangchao Zheng, Yikun Kang and Peng Yuan*

Volume 22, Issue 6, 2022

Published on: 27 April, 2022

Page: [530 - 536] Pages: 7

DOI: 10.2174/1568009622666220214092207

open access plus


Background: Metastatic triple-negative breast cancer (mTNBC) has a poor prognosis and few effective targeted therapy options. Olaparib, a poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) inhibitor, has been granted accelerated approval by FDA for patients with deleterious BRCA-mutated human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)-negative advanced/metastatic breast cancer. However, there is little data demonstrating that patients with particular forms of germline and/or somatic BRCA1/2, such as large fragment variation, can benefit from PARP inhibitors.

Case Presentation: In 2011, a 40-year-old woman was diagnosed with TNBC having pT2N0M0 in the right breast, and a new irregular lesser tubercle in the left breast appeared after approximately 3 years, which was also diagnosed as TNBC. In 2017, computed tomography (CT) showed TNBC metastases to the lung and brain. A next-generation sequencing (NGS) was performed with a lung metastasis sample, and results showed a homologous recombination deficiency (HRD) score of 67, a germline large deletion of exon 2 in BRCA1, a novel somatic BRCA2-STARD13 rearrangement and copy number loss of RAD51. Since September 2017, the patient was treated with olaparib. Till the report date of this case, the patient underwent regular follow-up without disease recurrence.

Conclusion: To our knowledge, this is the first case describing a patient with lung- and brainmetastatic TNBC with combined germline and somatic large rearrangement and a high HRD score who achieved a long-term benefit from olaparib monotherapy. The use of NGS is promising in the treatment of TNBC in clinical practice.

Keywords: BRCA1/2 rearrangement, HRD positive, metastatic triple-negative breast cancer, PARP inhibitor, olaparib, longterm disease-free survival.

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