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Current Vascular Pharmacology


ISSN (Print): 1570-1611
ISSN (Online): 1875-6212

Review Article

Pharmacy and Exercise as Complimentary Partners for Successful Cardiovascular Ageing

Author(s): Luke A. Howlett, Sandra A. Jones and Matthew K. Lancaster*

Volume 20, Issue 3, 2022

Published on: 10 February, 2022

Page: [284 - 302] Pages: 19

DOI: 10.2174/1570161120666220107105840

Price: $65


Diseases of the cardiovascular system have been the biggest cause of mortality for the majority of the last century, currently contributing to almost a third of deaths every year globally. Ageing associates with changes to the structure and function of the heart and vascular system that progressively increase the incidence of abnormalities, morbidity, and cardiovascular disease. The burden of ageing and its relationship to cardiovascular disease risk highlights the need for more research into the underlying mechanisms involved and how they may be treated and/or prevented. Factors influencing adrenergic dysfunction may explain a significant part of the age-related deterioration in health and responsiveness of the cardiovascular system. Increased sympathetic activity in old age overstimulates adrenergic receptors and causes detrimental changes within the associated signalling mechanisms, including a reduction in receptor number and downstream effector efficiency. Pharmacological agents, such as metformin, resveratrol, beta-blockers, and angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, have been identified as potential anti-ageing therapies with cardiovascular effects, which may be beneficial in treating the decline in cardiovascular function with old age. Regular exercise has also shown promise in the prevention and treatment of harmful age-related effects on the cardiovascular system. This review will investigate age-associated vascular and cardiac remodelling, and the link between adrenergic dysfunction and vascular and cardiac control. This review will also consider whether pharmacological or non-pharmacological therapies are most effective, or indeed complimentary to potentially optimised ageing of the cardiovascular system and improved quality of life in the elderly.

Keywords: Ageing, anti-ageing, adrenergic receptor signalling, cardiovascular remodelling, vascular health, exercise training.

Graphical Abstract
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