Background: Cardiac penetrating trauma is a medical emergency that mostly affects young people. Based on the type of injury and associated complications, it can present as a surgical challenge and can lead to mortality.
Objective: The aim of this study is to evaluate the complications of penetrating heart trauma among patients referred to Shahid Madani Hospital.
Methods: In this retrospective descriptive study, the data of penetrating cardiac trauma patients referred to Shahid Madani hospital, Karaj, Tehran, from 2016-2019, were investigated. Information, including age, sex, cause of trauma, traumatized area and complications, was extracted and recorded in a data collection form. The data were evaluated statistically using SPSS v18.
Results: A total of 44 patients were included in the study, where the mean age of the patients was 25 years. 73.3% of these patients were men and 26.7% were women. Knife stab wounds were the most prevalent cause of the trauma, present in 93.3% of patients. 73.3% of the patients had cardiac tamponade and 20% had a pneumothorax. The right ventricle was the most common site of the injury in 46.7% of the patients. A mortality rate of 3.4% was reported in this study.
Conclusion: The results of this study showed that the highest penetrating heart rate trauma occurred among young people, and the most common cause of the trauma was a knife stab. The most common area of the injury was the right ventricular, and cardiac tamponade was the most common complication.
Keywords: Cardiac tamponade, penetrating heart trauma, trauma mechanism, mortality, surgical, ventricular.
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