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Current Alzheimer Research


ISSN (Print): 1567-2050
ISSN (Online): 1875-5828

Research Article

Connectivity and Patterns of Regional Cerebral Blood Flow, Cerebral Glucose Uptake, and Aβ-Amyloid Deposition in Alzheimer's Disease (Early and Late-Onset) Compared to Normal Ageing

Author(s): Falasco Germán*, Damian Andres, Urrutia Leandro, Niell Nicolás, Lago Graciela, Bérgamo Yanina, Chrem Patricio, Quagliata Adriana, Bentancourt Cecilia, Calandri Ismael, Cordero Ismael, Magdalena Ponce de León, Contreras Valeria, Viviana Feuerstein, Dansilio Sergio, Allegri Ricardo, Engler Henry and Vazquez Silvia

Volume 18, Issue 8, 2021

Published on: 15 November, 2021

Page: [646 - 655] Pages: 10

DOI: 10.2174/1567205018666211116095035

Price: $65

TIMBC 2025

Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate the differences in early (EOAD) and late (LOAD) onset of Alzheimer´s disease, as well as glucose uptake, regional cerebral blood flow (R1), amyloid depositions, and functional brain connectivity between normal young (YC) and Old Controls (OC).

Methodology: The study included 22 YC (37 ± 5 y), 22 OC (73 ± 5.9 y), 18 patients with EOAD (63 ± 9.5 y), and 18 with LOAD (70.6 ± 7.1 y). Patients underwent FDG and PIB PET/CT. R1 images were obtained from the compartmental analysis of the dynamic PIB acquisitions. Images were analyzed by a voxel-wise and a VOI-based approach. Functional connectivity was studied from the R1 and glucose uptake images.

Results: OC had a significant reduction of R1 and glucose uptake compared to YC, predominantly at the dorsolateral and mesial frontal cortex. EOAD and LOAD vs. OC showed a decreased R1 and glucose uptake at the posterior parietal cortex, precuneus, and posterior cingulum. EOAD vs. LOAD showed a reduction in glucose uptake and R1 at the occipital and parietal cortex and an increased at the mesial frontal and temporal cortex. There was a mild increase in an amyloid deposition at the frontal cortex in LOAD vs. EOAD. YC presented higher connectivity than OC in R1 but lower connectivity considering glucose uptake. Moreover, EOAD and LOAD showed a decreased connectivity compared to controls that were more pronounced in glucose uptake than R1.

Conclusion: Our results demonstrated differences in amyloid deposition and functional imaging between groups and a differential pattern of functional connectivity in R1 and glucose uptake in each clinical condition. These findings provide new insights into the pathophysiological processes of AD and may have an impact on patient diagnostic evaluation.

Keywords: Alzheimer's disease, glucose uptake, regional cerebral blood flow, amyloid depositions, functional brain connectivity, EOAD, LOAD.

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