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Current Bioactive Compounds


ISSN (Print): 1573-4072
ISSN (Online): 1875-6646

Research Article

Antihyperlipidemic and Antiobesity Potential of Aquilaria agallocha and Borago officinalis in Fixed-Dose Combination; A Contingent Probe with Atorvastatin and Orlistat

Author(s): Rohima Oraon, Tarique Ansari Mahmood*, Arshiya Shamim, Farogh Ahsan, Mohammad Shariq, Saba Parveen and Mehtab Alam

Volume 17, Issue 10, 2021

Published on: 01 March, 2021

Article ID: e190721191937 Pages: 13

DOI: 10.2174/1573407217666210302085822

Price: $65


Aims: Antihyperlipidemic and antiobesity potential of a fixed dose combination of Aquilaria agallocha & Borago officinalis along with its comparative evaluation with Atorvastatin & Orlistat.

Background: Hyperlipidemia and obesity are common and challenging health problems throughout the world. These are the conditions in which increased lipids level in blood are the risk factors for atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease, and cerebral vascular diseases. In the present study, the fixed-dose combination of absolute ethanolic extract of Aquilaria agallocha and aqueous extract of Borago officinalis was examined for its antihyperlipidemic effect and antiobesity activity in the Sprague Dawley rats.

Objective: A suitable & established experimental model of hyperlipidemia and obesity based on literature survey has been selected. Comparative evaluation of fixed dose combination with selected standard drug against the established model. Compilation of results and statistical analysis.

Methods: Drugs and Chemicals: Atorvastatin solution, Orlistat solution, Formalin solution Animals: sprague dawley rats of 150-200 g of either sex were used for the study. Animals were habituated to laboratory conditions for 48 hours prior to experimental protocol to minimize if any of nonspecific stress. All the studies conducted were approve by the Institutional Animal Ethical Committee (IAEC) of Faculty of Pharmacy, Integral University Lucknow (Reg. no. 1213/PO/Re/S/08/CPCSEA, 5th June 2008) having approval no. IU/IAEC/18/32. High fat diet induced Dyslipidemia and obesity: Baseline characteristics of obesity and hyperlipedimia induced by high fat diet in Sprague dawley rats were maintained on normal pellet diet (NPD) for one week before the commencement of experiment. After one week rats were randomly assigned into normal and obese group and fed with NPD and High fat diet and libitum respectively for one week.The food intake, body weight gain ,and lipid profile were carried out on day 8 of dietary manipulation to assess the baseline characteristics of obesity and hyperlipidemia induced by high fat diet in Sprague dawley rats.

Results: The result of the study shows that the ethanolic extract of the FDC of aquilaria agallocha & borago officinalis has significant anti-hyperlipidemic and anti-obesity activity against High- fat diet-induced hyperlipidemia and obesity compared to atorvastatin (10 mg/kg) and orlistat (pure drug 10mg/kg).

Conclusion: The present study shows that pretreatment with ethanolic extract of FDC of Aquilaria agallocha & Borago officinalis significantly prevented from hyperlipidemia and obesity and decreased the levels of diagnostic marker enzymes significantly. At low dose (Borago officinalis 100 mg/kg + Aquilaria agallocha 250 mg/kg b.w.) ) ethanolic extract of FDC of Aquilaria agallocha & Borago officinalis showed moderate protection against Hyperlipidemia and Obesity. At high dose (Borago officinalis 200 mg/kg + Aquilaria agallocha 500 mg/kg b.w.) ethanolic extract of FDC of Aquilaria agallocha & Borago officinalis showed marked protection against High fat diet induced hyperlipidemia and obesity as well as by biochemical estimations of Lipid profile compare to the standard Atorvastatin(10mg/kg) and Orlistat(10mg/kg). Thus it concludes that ethanolic extract of FDC of Aquilaria agallocha & Borago officinalis possesses potent against high fat diet induced hyperlipidemia and obesity.

Keywords: Coronary artery disease, fixed-dose combination, hyperlipidemia, myocardial lipids, obesity, traditional medicine.

Graphical Abstract
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