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Current Medical Imaging


ISSN (Print): 1573-4056
ISSN (Online): 1875-6603

Mini-Review Article

Brain Tumor Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Radiotherapy Treatment

Author(s): Haarika Raghavapudi, Pankaj Singroul and V. Kohila *

Volume 17, Issue 8, 2021

Published on: 26 January, 2021

Page: [931 - 942] Pages: 12

DOI: 10.2174/1573405617666210126160206

Price: $65


The strategy used for the treatment of given brain cancer is critical in determining the post effects and survival. An oncological diagnosis of tumor evaluates a range of parameters such as shape, size, volume, location and neurological complexity that define the symptomatic severity. The evaluation determines a suitable treatment approach chosen from a range of options such as surgery, chemotherapy, hormone therapy, radiation therapy and other targeted therapies. Often, a combination of such therapies is applied to achieve superior results. Radiotherapy serves as a better treatment strategy because of a higher survival rate. It offers the flexibility of synergy with other treatment strategies and fewer side effects on organs at risk. This review presents a radiobiological perspective in the treatment of brain tumor. The cause, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, post-treatment effects and the framework involved in its elimination are summarized.

Keywords: Radiation therapy, brain cancer, treatment options, ionizing radiation therapy, post-radiation effects, carbon-ion therapy.

Graphical Abstract
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