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Current Bioinformatics


ISSN (Print): 1574-8936
ISSN (Online): 2212-392X

Research Article

Bioinformatics Analysis of The Rhizosphere Microbiota of Dangshan Su Pear in Different Soil Types

Author(s): Xiaojing Ma, Sambhaji Balaso Thakar, Huimin Zhang, Zequan Yu, Li Meng and Junyang Yue*

Volume 15, Issue 5, 2020

Page: [503 - 514] Pages: 12

DOI: 10.2174/1574893615666200129104523

Price: $65

TIMBC 2025

Background: The rhizosphere microbiota are of vital importance for plant growth and health in terrestrial ecosystems. There have been extensive studies aiming to identify the microbial communities as well as their relationship with host plants in different soil types.

Objective: In the present study, we have employed the high-throughput sequencing technology to investigate the composition and structure of rhizosphere microbiota prosperous at the root of Dangshan Su pear growing in sandy soil and clay soil.

Methods: A high-throughput amplicon sequencing survey of the bacterial 16S rRNA genes and fungal ITS regions from rhizosphere microbiota was firstly performed. Subsequently, several common bacterial and fungal communities were found to be essential to Dangshan Su pear by using a series of bioinformatics and statistics tools. Finally, the soil-preferred microbiota were identified through variance analysis and further characterized in the genus level.

Result: Dangshan Su pears host rich and diverse microbial communities in thin layer of soil adhering to their roots. The composition of dominant microbial phyla is similar across different soil types, but the quantity of each microbial community varies significantly. Specially, the relative abundance of Firmicutes increases from 9.69% to 61.66% as the soil ecosystem changes from clay to sandy, which can be not only conducive to the degradation of complex plant materials, but also responsible for the disinfestation of pathogens.

Conclusion: Our results have a symbolic significance for the potential efforts of rhizosphere microbiota on the soil bioavailability and plant health. Through selecting soil types and altering microbial structures, the improvement of fruit quality of Dangshan Su pear is expected to be achieved.

Keywords: Pyrus bretschneideri, dangshan Su pear, soil microbiota, high-throughput sequencing, 16s rRNA, ITS.

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