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Current Women`s Health Reviews


ISSN (Print): 1573-4048
ISSN (Online): 1875-6581

Clinical Trial

Investigating the Effect of Cognitive-behavioral Stress Management on Occupational Performance among Women with Breast Cancer

Author(s): Arezoo Shayan, Mansoureh Refaei and Farkhondeh Jamshidi*

Volume 16, Issue 2, 2020

Page: [152 - 159] Pages: 8

DOI: 10.2174/1573404816666191220095123

Price: $65

TIMBC 2025

Background: Treatment of breast cancer can be accompanied by long-term consequences affecting women’s participation in many tasks.

Objective: This study aimed to assess the effect of cognitive behavioral stress management (CBSM) program on occupational performance of women with breast cancer.

Methods: In this randomized clinical trial, conducted between Feb 3 and Oct 26, 2016, 104 women with breast cancer who had referred to Imam Khomeini clinic in Hamadan, and who fulfilled the inclusion criteria (20-60 years old, married, suffering from grade 1-3 breast cancer with a history of recent surgery) were enrolled. They were randomly divided into two groups of 52 using a permuted block size of four. The intervention group took part in four 60-minute sessions of CBSM over four weeks. The study data were collected using a demographic information form and the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure. The statistical analyst was masked to intervention allocation. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, paired t-test, and repeated measures ANOVA.

Results: A significant difference was observed between the two groups regarding the mean scores of occupational performance (p=0.02) and satisfaction (p=0.005) after the intervention. Each variable was measured at three time points (before the intervention, immediately and 2 weeks after intervention). A significant difference was observed in the two groups’ mean scores of performance (p=0.026) and satisfaction (p=0.01), irrespective of the time of assessment.

Conclusion: The CBSM program promoted the occupational performance immediately and two weeks after the intervention in women with breast cancer. This technique can be used as a complementary method alongside medical therapies in oncology centers.

Keywords: Cognitive behavioral stress management, occupational performance, Breast cancer, functional health, lower survival, clinical trial.

Graphical Abstract
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