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Current Medical Imaging


ISSN (Print): 1573-4056
ISSN (Online): 1875-6603

Review Article

A Review of Various Machine Learning Techniques for Brain Tumor Detection from MRI Images

Author(s): Aaishwarya Sanjay Bajaj* and Usha Chouhan

Volume 16, Issue 8, 2020

Page: [937 - 945] Pages: 9

DOI: 10.2174/1573405615666190903144419

Price: $65


Background: This paper endeavors to identify an expedient approach for the detection of the brain tumor in MRI images. The detection of tumor is based on i) review of the machine learning approach for the identification of brain tumor and ii) review of a suitable approach for brain tumor detection.

Discussion: This review focuses on different imaging techniques such as X-rays, PET, CT- Scan, and MRI. This survey identifies a different approach with better accuracy for tumor detection. This further includes the image processing method. In most applications, machine learning shows better performance than manual segmentation of the brain tumors from MRI images as it is a difficult and time-consuming task. For fast and better computational results, radiology used a different approach with MRI, CT-scan, X-ray, and PET. Furthermore, summarizing the literature, this paper also provides a critical evaluation of the surveyed literature which reveals new facets of research.

Conclusion: The problem faced by the researchers during brain tumor detection techniques and machine learning applications for clinical settings have also been discussed.

Keywords: Brain tumor, data mining techniques, filtering techniques, MRI, classifiers, feature selection.

Graphical Abstract
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