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Current Rheumatology Reviews


ISSN (Print): 1573-3971
ISSN (Online): 1875-6360

Review Article

Evaluation of Cartilage in the Wrist using Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Author(s): Wesley N. Sivak and Joseph E. Imbriglia*

Volume 16, Issue 3, 2020

Page: [170 - 177] Pages: 8

DOI: 10.2174/1573397115666190819153912

Price: $65


Wrist pain is a common patient complaint with a myriad of clinical conditions that can explain the underlying cause. Short of wrist arthroscopy, no technique other than formal wrist arthrotomy exists for direct examination of the hyaline cartilage coating the articular surfaces of the carpal bones. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has been proven accurate in evaluating joint surfaces of large joints such as the shoulder, hip, and knee with articular cartilage surface thickness is in excess of 1 mm. However, in the carpus the thickness of the cartilage and the contours present have precluded accurate imaging. Advances in MRI technology over the last several decades are now making imaging of small joint surfaces, such as the carpus, an area worth revisiting. Herein we provide a review of these efforts with a specific focus on the evaluation of the wrist.

Keywords: Wrist, cartilage, magnetic resonance imaging, MRI, arthritis, articular surface.

Graphical Abstract
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