Advances in Additive Manufacturing Processes

A Review on Binder Jetting Fabrication: Materials, Characterizations and Challenges

Author(s): Y. G. Bala, Dinesh Kumar Rajendran and Varthini Rajagopal

Pp: 121-140 (20)

DOI: 10.2174/9789815036336121010011

* (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Binder Jet additive manufacturing is a 3D printing technology that is used for a variety of materials irrespective of the properties and characteristics. A variety of materials that are used include ceramics, polymers and metals. The materials are formed layer by layer by the adhesive bonding between material and binder. Compared with recent developing modern manufacturing methods, binder jetting has the capability of producing quickly integrated complex features for obtaining isotropic properties. Green part manufacturing is processed to obtain the end part. Property obtained through this process is close to the traditional powder metallurgy sintering technique. This article discusses in detail the different materials used in binder jet additive manufacturing, different process challenges involved, binder and droplets, post-processing, characterization, the advantages and applications. Further, the powder characteristics and process parameters are explained.

Keywords: Additive manufacturing, Architectural models, Binder jetting, Binders, Binding, Characterisation, continuous jetting, Curing, Debounding, Demand on droplet, Densification, Depowdering, Filtration, Fusion, Industries, Ink-jetting, Post-processing, Powder, Printing, Sintering.

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